Weeping Woman IX by Lillian Supanich
Weeping Woman IX by Lillian Supanich is a 28 x 34" oil on canvas painting.
In the words of the artist:
In this abstracted portrait I've modeled an inset paper window, inspired by paintings of vain figures gazing into mirrors. Employing illusionistic depth, the enclosure becomes a stage for the isolated, melodramatic scene my recent work returns to.
Weeping Woman IX by Lillian Supanich is a 28 x 34" oil on canvas painting.
In the words of the artist:
In this abstracted portrait I've modeled an inset paper window, inspired by paintings of vain figures gazing into mirrors. Employing illusionistic depth, the enclosure becomes a stage for the isolated, melodramatic scene my recent work returns to.
Weeping Woman IX by Lillian Supanich is a 28 x 34" oil on canvas painting.
In the words of the artist:
In this abstracted portrait I've modeled an inset paper window, inspired by paintings of vain figures gazing into mirrors. Employing illusionistic depth, the enclosure becomes a stage for the isolated, melodramatic scene my recent work returns to.